U.S. Political Parties' Stances

The United States is a bipartisan state with two major parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. They each represent a wide spectrum of smaller factions who differ on degrees of extremism and focus. The Republicans represent the right wing factions, while the Democrats represent the left wing factions. Both have centrists and extremists within their parties yet they usually rally around one candidate. Sometimes they cross party lines, and it can be frowned upon. The current stances of the parties that will be mentioned are the ones promoted by the current party “leaders.” New York State as a whole is technically a blue state yet most counties outside of New York City vote red. The Greater New York Area which contains the most populated counties within the state. However they draw upon New Jersey and Connecticut for a sizable portion of the workforce. I will go into more detail about each party’s specific doctrine. However, Democrats want to let most immigrants in while Republicans want to either limit or remove immigration. I still implore you to look at the both stances as aforementioned is an extreme oversimplification of the stances.

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Democratic Stance

Here is an explanation of where the Democrats stand.

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Republican Stance

Here is an explanation of where the Republicans stand.